Student FAQ's

Q1. How can Elevations help me?

Elevations can help you clarify where your strengths are and then relate those strengths to exciting, twenty-first century career opportunities. Elevations is holistic in its approach, considering your interpersonal skills, team functioning, leadership tendencies and typical preferences in the work environment.

In essence, Elevations shows you what you are good at and helps you identify career options that are right for you. Then it takes you through the career research process, expanding your options and providing factual support for your career decision-making. Elevations will guide you through an evaluation of potential obstacles to your success and walks your through an action planning process. It is total program that will open the door to the future you deserve.

Q2. Does Elevations reveal career options that are up-to-date?

Yes, Elevations includes both traditional and emerging careers and the tool is updated annually. Elevations will provide you with a slate of contemporary career possibilities that match your skills, values and personality preferences.

Q3. How many careers does Elevations profile?

There are 80 careers profiled in Elevations for Students. Once you know which careers match your profile, you can begin using the web or other career research resources to explore the more than 60,000 careers available in the global labor market. Elevations is a launching pad and an educational process. 

Q4. Is this like the career test I took in high school?

Not likely! Most of us vaguely remember taking a test in school that defined a few career fields or suggested your were terrible in math (like you didn’t know that already!). The old standards generally focused on your interests, providing you a narrow perspective based on your limited life experience.
Elevations is more than a test, it is a total solution for an individuals seeking career direction. Elevations is an up-to-date tool integrating web resources and the latest career development concepts to help you take charge of your future.

Q5. How long does Elevations take?
The average person completes the assessment component of Elevations in about 30 minutes. The research and action planning exercises are optional and can be done over a period of time. A counselor or development professional generally spends three hours delivering an Elevations assessment over the course of several sessions. Elevations is also a natural for a career development course offered at a college or university. Instructors use the online tool and the report as the text for both quarter and semester long courses.

Q6. Do I need to work with a career counselor/coach/developmental professional to benefit from Elevations? 

No, Elevations can be completed by an ordinary person without the assistance of a career professional. But, many individuals seek out a counselor or coach to gain support for the implementation of their career plans.
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